Monday, 8 June 2015

Back! (sporadically)

personal: As you may or may not know I got married a month ago.  It seems to have been the longest wedding known to man! My brother and sister in-law stayed with us for 2 weeks after the wedding then we all flew to Canada for a further 2 weeks, where they're from, taking the wedding on tour for those who couldn't make it.
Back now but the major issue is the flat I've been moaning about previously. We need to move in by the end of the month because it's killing us financially, paying rent and mortgage simultaneously. Suffice to say that finding quiet time for trading and/or DIY has been quite difficult recently. So to get back and have a relatively free calender is a godsend. For that reason and to max my DIY time I'm putting my trading efforts to the end of the day/evening so I can get multiple/consecutive hours doing what needs to be done in the flat. As such my posts might be sporadic for this month.

trading: Method is still pretty much the same: Identify longterm levels of supply and demand and trade them on shorter time frames. However my favoured time frames have changed to W1 and H1 to find levels, and the D1 and M15 respectfully to trade from.
The reason for this change is firstly because I noticed that the H4 levels were a little too wide and I was missing good intraday moves. And secondly because they are universal times. Meaning that whatever broker or chart feed you look at (GMT / GMT+2 etc) the bars should look the same, because globally every hour and week finish at the same time.
As far as entries go my coach has told me to start looking for candle setups at levels rather than using limit orders but this might be difficult this month due to the above. I'll endeavour to do as he asks but being at the charts every hour will obviously be difficult. That's pretty much it for now, there's a little more in the video below about trades and levels.

video: update, prep and trade plan for day/week. Not uploading for some reason so just a pic sorry...

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